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Chinese translation for "residents committee"


Related Translations:
resident editor:  常驻编辑程序驻留编辑程序
resident fluid:  地层流体
host resident:  主机常驻驻在主机系统
resident student:  寄宿生住校生
resident physician:  内科住院医师住院医生住院医师
resident executive:  常驻管理程序常驻执行程序驻存执行
resident conductor:  常任指挥;驻团指挥
resident system:  常驻系统
resident evil:  生化危机3原声大牒生化危机电影版生化危机系列生化危机之变种生还者
core resident:  磁心存储器中的常驻区
Example Sentences:
1.Establishing the community resident committee
2.29 , xintian village , guanping road , guanlan town near xintian residents committee
3.The residents assembly shall be convened and presided over by the residents committee
4.Article 10 . the residents committee shall be responsible to the residents assembly and report on its work to the latter
5.The residents committees shall , on their part , assist the above people ' s government or agency in its work
6.The office premises for a residents committee shall be made available by the local people ' s government through overall planning
7.Article 14 . the residents committee may set up residents groups , the heads of which shall be elected by these groups
8.Article 11 . in making decisions , a residents committee shall apply the principle whereby the minority is subordinate to the majority
9.With the approval of the residents assembly , appropriate subsidies may be granted by using some of the residents committee ' s financial revenues
10.A residents committee shall manage its own property ; no department or unit may infringe upon its right of ownership of property
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